Monday, 19 December 2011

Another year over, and what have you done?

It's that time of year when I always start evaluating what I've achieved this year... some things are a bit disappointing, yet others I am extremely happy about! For example, this year I have done no burlesque performing whatsoever. This disappoints me. BUT what I have achieved is the set up of my fitness business, Miss B's Fitness. After all, you can only do so much in a given time. I found I was getting overtired with extra activities, being charitable and helping others out, so I've had to downsize these activities for the sake of my health and business - which I hope to grow during the next year.
During 2012, I hope to be back with a bang on the local burlesque scene. It's been far too long since my last appearance at THE PUBLIC. However I have been making your pasties and tassels in the spare time I DO have.... and one thing that has deighted me this year is that my products have sold quite well in both Burlesque Salon, Birmingham and Lady K's, Bedford. It was quite exciting to find that people liked my products enough to buy them, I don't think I'll ever lose that feeling. I am so fortunate to be doing work which I enjoy, all I need to do now is grow both my businesses to a point where I can say I am financially successful. I don't even want to be rich...... just to make a nice living would be satisfactory.
And I guess thats my christmas wish. Thanks to everyone who has bought my products, visited my website, liked my pages, or read this blog.
Bring on 2012.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all xxx      (photo courtesy of Lady K's)

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Tweet me up on TWITTER: @MissHeleneBach
(check out my early designs and my MA textiles show)