Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Miss Helene Bach recommends....Jo Weldon's Burlesque Handbook

With my birthday being this saturday, my lovely husband has already begun showering me with gifts! He returned home with a copy of this fantastic little book, with which I am delighted. It covers all you need to know about burlesque, with a lot of behind-the-scenes information.
As an aspiring performer, I know I am going to find it very useful. Although I haven't read it from cover to cover yet, I have only "dipped in" -but I can see there is a lot of information including some very handy costuming tips, advice on choreographing and even how to use feather fans in an elegant way. The chapter on pasties and tassels includes several different techniques for how to twirl tassels, complete with photos of them in action. The only thing I could possibly suggest is that the book be released with a tutorial dvd, perhaps in a special edition.

It's written in a friendly, almost conversational tone which makes burlesque an accessible artform to anyone who would like to give it a try. It will appeal to beginners and experienced performers alike, or to anyone who has a passing interest in this fascinating artform.

Priced at £9.99, this book is an absolute must have, which I highly recommend!
During my birthday weekend, I will be attending a burlesque show by "Black Country Burlesque" which is going to be held at "The Public" arts centre in West Bromwich. They always put on a great show and this one is for a worthy cause, Macmillan's. The artistes will all be giving their time for free. Tickets are priced at £12.50 standard, or £20 V.I.P. I've heard there will also be an auction of items donated by well known burlesque stars to raise yet more funds.
Visit their website which is ably run by Mr Robin Lowe at: for future dates and events. Tickets for this saturday's show are available from the BCB website, or you can ring the PUBLIC box office on 0121 533 7161.

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