Monday, 20 September 2010

Cosplay Burlesque, 18 September 2010 at THE PUBLIC

I won't say I am wary of burlesque shows with unusual themes, but I was waiting to see what sort of show this would be. From a performer's point of view I wondered what kind of act I would create when faced with this brief. I actually like old sci-fi films, B-movies and even found the X-men films entertaining, so I was looking forward to viewing this show as part of the audience.

My seat was reserved, one of the best in the house. As the show opened we were treated to a parody of the title sequence from the star wars movies, which raised a few laughs from the audience and set the scene for the show to begin.

There were 12 performers on the bill, all providing their own interpretation of the show theme. Their skills in character work were put to good use as they were mostly dressed as characters from films or comic books.

Velma Von Bonbon provided us with a good likeness to the character Velma from Scooby Doo, coupled with traditional burlesque technique this was an extremely characterful act.

A contemporary dance tribute to "Storm" from X-men was performed with artistic grace by Fleur Tayshuss, who professionally overcame a prop malfunction that wasn't even noticeable until mentioned later.

Coca Lola performed as an art deco vampire lady from the TV series "True Blood" with music expertly mixed to add to her entertaining act which involved a somewhat willing volunteer. The fake blood and fangs were put to effective use, as well as being a dead ringer for the TV character.

Delilah Lilac made 2 appearances, both with favourite cat-based acts which appear to be her forte. The first was "Thundercats" which I will admit challenged my sense of burlesque, but I rated her performance highly, as it could have been a potential props nightmare for some performers! Her second act was a "Catwoman" performance where she demonstrated her natural agility, turning cartwheels around the stage with as much ease as walking. The costuming for both of these acts merits a mention for their creativity.

Ally Katte then treated us to some "Geek Girl" antics with an act that was amusing yet still managed to provide the necessary tease with her superhero costume and superb facial expressions.

Seasoned performer Ditzy Diamond turned in another thought provoking performance in celebration of womanhood, a feminist piece of performing art whilst dressed as "She-Hulk". Fascinating as ever.

Ginger La Rouge performed a feat of skill and agility as "Sonic" the Hedgehog in classic burlesque blue, managing to peel whilst keeping a hula hoop turning continuously. Perhaps the most unusual act, but successfully executed.

Luli Blue put in an effortless performance in a stunning "wonderwoman" costume. A real departure from her bellydancing, a truly versatile performer who I have had the pleasure of viewing several times at different shows. I hope she continues to grow in confidence and creativity.

A highlight of the evening for me was the "Star trek" act by Phoenix Snow and Frank Diaablo. I love this pair! Again, an act I hope will continue to develop in creativity, they are definitely ones to watch for the future. The combination of a singer and a burlesque performer is for me a traditional idea with a modern twist. So entertaining!

Ivy Wilde's "Poison Ivy" performance was another example of a classic burlesque perfromance which fulfilled the brief perfectly in my eyes. Costume, character work and excellent dance skills as she used the stage to it's best advantage, relating to the audience with great effect.

Finally we were treated to the star and co-producer of the show, Felicia Noir, with her "Superwoman" routine with spectacular isis wings forming the red cape of a beautifully detailed costume. Again, her training in dance stood her in good stead for this commanding performance which raised the roof.

All in all, this was a show which I would rate highly for such a "neo" theme. In addition, I will say that it deserved an even bigger audience.

The show was ably compered by Decadent Gent and the stage maid was Amber Glow dressed as Harly Quin who both did sterling work.

A hidden gem - **** 4 stars!

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