Friday, 17 December 2010

Re-Vamped : The beginning.

Having been asked to help promote this show, I viewed the teaser trailers for this show on BIO channel’s website and I have to admit I was a little unsure about the potential “revenge” motive of this series. However, after viewing the first two episodes, I am fully appreciative of the way that burlesque can help transform many women’s lives – especially as I have first hand experience of learning the art which has enhanced my own life – in fact, turned it around.

The opening show saw a group of eight broken-hearted women, from diverse backgrounds who were feeling pretty down about themselves after being “dumped” by the men in their lives, men who they had previously had unshakeable faith in. The “dumpings” were done by various methods, but one which beggars belief was by email! I couldn’t believe it! I was sucked in…..the way the show has been produced leaves you anticipating what happens next.

The burlesque “journey” (I hate that cliché!) started with the women opening up, telling their stories and attempting to dump their own baggage and bottled up feelings, with the obligatory tears that seem so necessary in today’s television. I can remember a time when cameras would stop rolling when people got upset on TV, but as this sort of thing is commonplace now, I could see that the “Re-Vamp”-ing clearly becomes an emotional and spiritual thing as well as a physical one – making a much more compelling show than a simple “pretty makeover” which would significantly lack in substance.

The women were also introduced to a healthy lifestyle change, with some of them not too impressed with the choice of diet, with certain foods being banned. This element of the show was potentially informative, and I would have appreciated a bit more detail here. Perhaps a Re-Vamped website would be a good idea, to make such information accessible.
The best piece of advice given was; “Living well and looking good is the best revenge.” This set the tone.

On this note, the team of experts set about whipping them into shape, on the first stage of the transformation into burlesque queens. The boot-camp approach was in direct contrast with the studio training required for burlesque choreography, which some of the women struggled with (tears again).

Different tasks and challenges are to be set throughout the series, from an aerial rope assault course which tested the women’s nerve, confidence and physical strength, to a photography project and song writing task which helped nurture their creative side. (How many hoops do people have to jump through to make good TV?) These contrasting tasks are hoped to be character building, but I wondered why the women didn’t get to choose their own burlesque character – instead it was chosen for them. I thought that with a little research, they could have managed this. From my point of view, a burlesque character can take quite some time to develop- okay, so you have a name, costumes, also some routines, but I for one am still developing as “Miss Helene Bach”. This aspect of the show was slightly disappointing, I have to admit.
As a reality show, it works well. Potential conflict and upset makes these shows into “good TV”, also the anticipated outcome where the women perform in a burlesque show “sticking it” to their exes, who will be in the audience. When all this has been taken into account, I have to say I have enjoyed watching it so far, despite a couple of minor misgivings, which will hopefully disappear as the series progresses. We will see….
Worth a watch!

Re-Vamped is on BIO channel on Tuesday, 8.00pm and 11.00pm,
Repeated Friday at 9pm, also Saturday at 6pm.

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